So, it's been a bit of a year hasn't it?! If you had asked me a year ago if we would be where we are now, I would have been incredulous!!
But here we are, eventually, hopefully coming out the other side of this unprecedented time. I know a lot of you would have lost special people and my heart goes out to you.
I have a daughter who is nine (she is in the photo), I struggled home schooling her as well as trying to run Baby&More, I really feel for Mums and Dads trying to work and have meetings online whilst trying to home school one, two or more children at the same time. I don't know about you, but I was very pleased a few weeks ago when the schools opened again!
I would like to thank everyone for supporting Baby&More by buying from me. It is very much appreciated and I am super proud of myself for taking over and running the business pretty much on my own.
I look forward to 2021 with optimism. I have started to stock muslin products from U.K. company Muslinz, and have just started selling teethers from Green Sprouts and The Evolved Parent Co in U.S.A. In a few weeks the next order from Mum 2 Mum will arrive, I have lots of new colours in the Wonder Bib and PLUS range, so lots to be excited about I think.
Thanks again, keep smiling, we will get through this together!